Social Impact
One of the key objectives of setting up rural BPOs by RuralShores Business Services (RS) is to absorb rural India into the knowledge economy by introducing rural youth to BPO opportunities and providing employment to them in their own villages.
There is still room for providing basic facilities and amenities in villages for further growth and development. Economic development in India cannot be sustained without the provision of digital reach, government services and welfare programs especially in health, education and agriculture at an affordable cost in rural areas.
Lack of employment opportunity is luring people from villages to cities. It is felt that corporate world can benefit immensely by taking jobs to people in rural backyard rather than bringing people to jobs in cities. RS collaborates with local entrepreneurs in setting up of rural BPOs to empower rural youth, rely on indigenous resources, and build upon their existing cultural and economic context, thus advancing holistic rural development.

The fundamental approach by which RuralShores demonstrates social responsibility is through its employment of rural youth. Its impact shows in:
Hiring youth who are educated but would otherwise migrate outside to find jobs
Training youth in skills required to get connected in today's corporate world
Providing sustainable income which significantly augments household incomes in rural areas
The strategy with which RuralShores enhances its social mission is through:
Expanding business which requires it to hire and train more rural youth
Climb higher on the process ladder so that its employees can continually enhance their skills and capabilities
Work from Home